Name change on its way
We will be changing our name to Hertfordshire M.E./CFS Support Group. This is to reflect our membership which is from every corner of...

#Millionsmissing we make a stand in St Albans
May the 12th was #millionsmissing global campaign for more funding, research and treatment of M.E. So this year we had a presence in St...

Fantastic Christmas and Hanukah Meeting
We all had the most fantastic Christmas and Hanukah Part in December. We all bought some food in had a secret Santa and we also had some...

November Meeting
Lovely to see everyone again. Today we got creative and some of us had a go at learning how to draw portraits from one of our members....

Cinema visit to see the film "Unrest"
St Albans M.E group collaborated with The Odyssey St Albans to show the film "Unrest". We had a great turn out of 45 members and their...

Funding success for 2nd year
We have gained funding from Hertfordshire Community Foundation for our 2nd year. We will be expanding to make our group available to...

August BBQ
We all got together for a bbq/cook up at London Colney Community centre. A feast was had by all. Shame it chucked it down but we used the...

An evening out...
One of our members Harry organised a meal out in ST Albans. It also co-incided with Jackys birthday. A lovely night was had by all. We...